Wednesday 22 October 2014

Comforting Bedtime tea

Why is it that the English always offer you a cuppa tea when shit hits the fan? "I'll just get you a cup of tea love!" As if this will solve any problem. As nice as this gesture is, it really doesn't. Solve anything, I mean. Though come that hard day at work, there I am, brewing away. I can almost hear a Mrs. Bouquet type voice in my head.

Can't do caffeine, so my thing, my beddybyes routine has become Bedtime tea with Valerian root.
Tea, honey, pj's and woolly socks, that 's what a cold Autumn evening is made of. To really serve my English side (having lived in London and now missing it dearly), enjoy with candlelight and the newest episodes of Downton Abbey.  A cosy evening indeed!

Tuesday 14 October 2014

My foodie moments

Sometimes it's watching a Bollywood film with a bowl of steaming curry at home, in the comfort of your own living room. Sometimes a hedonistic foodie moment happens on a hot summer day, possibly abroad, a glass of cool rosé wine in hand and a spectacular song starts to play somewhere in the background. I don't know if you get me - but this is the kind of moment I wanna talk about. They don't happen too often and I am lately quite a busy lady. However, when they do happen, I enjoy them and have an innate need to share them.

Finding great combos of food, atmosphere, places, music, books, or film is a personal quest of mine!